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Organic Colombia Cauca Perla De Inza (GP)

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Sourced From



1800 to 2100 meters


Castillo, Caturra, Colombia


Fully Washed ,Raised Beds


October - March

RNY #57415







OCT 2024 , NJ

275 Bags Available

Organic Colombia Cauca Perla De Inza (GP)
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RNY #57415

OCT 2024 , NJ

275 Boxes Avaliable


Line Total $4.10
Cart Total $0.00

About The Source

The municipality of Inzá is nestled in the middle of the great Colombian Massif. A mountainous region where most of the mayor rivers of the country are born, including the Magdalena, the Cauca and the Patia river. Inza is surrounded by volcanoes, plus the altitude and climate of this region make it perfect for growing specialty coffee. Very small producers tend to their land and hold on to their traditions. Many of them have produced coffee with little or no chemicals for generations.  The Pillimue Family, crucial members of the community, led a program to certify 80 producers in organic practices. This small group of producers have become leaders in innovative organic practices, leading workshops in the community in order to re-use a lot of the waste created by the farm and to make bio fertilizers that are cheap and useful.

Origin Profile: Colombia

Colombia is the second largest producer of Arabica coffee. Quality can range from classic breakfast blend coffees to exotic and wild microlots