
December 31, 2019

Supporting Women in Coffee: Grounds for Health

James Schoenhut
James Schoenhut
President/CEO, Purchase & Sales

Grounds for Health is on a mission make healthcare accessible to women in coffee throughout coffee communities. This summer they need our help to bring healthcare #wheresheis. Learn more about their inspiring mission and how you can join us in supporting Grounds for Health!

Grounds for Health’s mission to support women in coffee

two women in coffee with HPV self-sampling kits

Are you familiar with Grounds for Health? Grounds for Health is an international non-profit with the mission to prevent cervical cancer in coffee communities. They have over 25 years’ experience partnering with the coffee industry and global and local health partners to implement high quality, locally-based screenings and treatment programs for women. To date, over 185,000 women have been screened and 15,000 treated to prevent cervical cancer.

In 2022, they introduced the innovative screening technique of HPV self-sampling. This self-sampling allows women from remote settings to experience high quality healthcare without requiring a clinic visit. Their vision is to build a bridge to globally inclusive care.

Supporting women in coffee through the #wheresheis campaign

HPV self-sampling test kit
Grounds for Health HPV self-sampling test kit

This summer, Grounds for Health has launched a fundraising campaign to raise $100K in an effort to bring healthcare #wheresheis. Because of the ease and portability of HPV test kits, Grounds for Health can now offer cervical cancer screening anywhere! Within minutes, women in coffee are able to collect their own samples. These samples are sent to a lab to determine whether a woman has HPV. HPV is the virus that causes cervical cancer, and this diagnosis is imperative to understand if she will need treatment. 

Each month this summer, Grounds for Health will showcase a location that they are expanding access to test kits. Because of this expansion, they are on their way to accomplish their goal of reaching women in coffee #wheresheis. This month they are highlighting open air markets, or #wheresheshops.

shopping markets in Kenya

Earlier this year, the Grounds for Health team had the opportunity to test their expansion with markets in Nyeri, Kenya. It was an instant success! Vendors and shoppers alike were lining up to be tested because they didn’t have to get on an exam table.

Susan Hollinger, Grounds for Health Clinical Consultant said, “Quick, on-site HPV self-sampling was so simple and non-intrusive for women, they were easily recruited to visit the pop-up screening site. At one point there were a dozen women crowding into the small space wanting to do an HPV test. Between our team and the local women, we quickly devised and held up a cloth screen to provide another privacy area. I have never seen anything like it!”

Grounds for Health x Royal New York

As a longtime supporter and anchor donor of Grounds for Health, we’re so excited to participate in their campaign this summer. The work that Grounds for Health is doing to make healthcare accessible to women in these coffee communities is truly remarkable. 

We’re excited to announce that we will be donating all proceeds from the sale of our Grounds for Health x Royal NY Line Up box to Grounds for Health. Together, through the purchase of this coffee, we can bring healthcare to women in coffee #wheresheshops!

Grounds for Health’s Royal New York Line Up Exclusive

Grounds for Health and the Royal NY Line Up exclusive

This exclusive, naturally processed organic micro lot comes to us from a female-produced farm in the Marcala region of Honduras! In the cup we found complex fruit tones accompanied by a light acidity with hints of cocoa, transitioning into a creamy body with a sweet finish.

The producer, Jahaira Yosely Cardona, has been involved with coffee since she was eight years old. Having grown up in the coffee industry, Jahaira knew all the work that went into owning and operating a farm. When she was 26, she married her husband, and they acquired a plot of land. She named the property Finca La Bendición because she truly believed it was a blessing.

After receiving ownership of the land, Jahaira knew she wanted to cultivate it with coffee. Being part of COMSA has helped her implement organic agricultural practices and dedicate herself to producing specialty coffee. Though Finca La Bendición is operated by four people on just 1.5 hectares, there is a drive for constant improvement in their processes. Jahaira’s passion for coffee and commitment to innovation shine through in every aspect of her production.

Shop RNY #54446 Organic Honduras Jahaira Yosely Cardona Natural Process to support Grounds for Health!

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