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Joe Schoenhut

President/CEO, Purchase & Sales

How did you start in coffee/tea?
I was introduced to coffee with the help of the two Freds in my life, my father and brother. At a young age I got to meet a lot of fascinating coffee people that would stay at our house telling great stories of coffee and the countries they lived in. Coffee wasn’t my initial calling out of college, but I always had a feeling it would be someday. Along the way I found great mentors in Bob Fulmer and Pete McLaughlin at Royal Coffee who introduced me to specialty coffee and what makes what we do fun. I am grateful for finding the road with each and every one who crossed my path!

Favorite thing about the industry?
The relationships! I have watched our market evolve my entire life, but it will always be about a relationship with a farmer, a cooperative, a roaster, and all the many people it takes to get a great cup of coffee to the table. I am so fortunate to work with people that share the same perspective I do.

Fun Fact?
We have 2 goldens, Zoey and Henrik. They keep me & my family grounded regardless of the day we experienced. Anyone who owns a dog gets it, anyone who doesn’t needs one!