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While we can't ship Royal NY Line Up boxes to you through our website, our team of coffee traders will be happy to help place your order and secure the best shipping rates for you.
Give us a call or send us an email to finalize your purchase from the Royal NY Line Up!
Please note that if you have other items in your cart such as tea or tickets to an event at The lab, you will not be able to proceed to payment until all 22lb. boxes have been removed from your order
Looks like you're located outside the continental United States!
While we can't ship Royal NY Line Up boxes to you through our website, your coffee trader will be happy to help place your order and secure the best shipping rates for you.
Give your trader a call or send them an email to finalize your purchase from the Royal NY Line Up!
For the past two weeks we have been changing up the format of the RNY Lab Community Meeting to focus more on ‘gathering the larger community’
– Effects of COVID-19 on the most regulated coffee country
– Creative Solutions for challanges with pickers
– A very cute coffee cat shirt
– Football
– Learning
– This year’s harvest
– Trends in coffee and diversity through processing
– A small tour of Beneficio San Vincente
– Giving us some hope and inspiration
– Quality, processing and collaboration
– Talking current and potential effects of COVID-19, adaptions and creative solutions to some of the challenges on a farm level.
– Background on Las Lajas Mill
– Natural SL-28, processing, variety experiments,
– COVID-19 logistical challenges and long term effects on quality
– COVID-19 transportation challenges
– Currency exchange
– His journey into the specialty market and moving things forward
– Addressing quality control and transparency
-Coffee farm and compost facility tour -Compost process (including meeting the ‘Mother of Worms’) -Managing coffee trees (shade, weather and nutrition) -Sustainability Projects (or ‘circular economics’ as Josue calls them) at Los Volcanes
Monday May 11th, we look forward to chatting with Yonatan Gonzalez, co-founder of Cuatro Vientos in Huila, Colombia. He is one of two brothers that founded the specialty export company just two years ago. With Yonatan, we will discuss how they manage quality control and producer feedback as well as explore the impressive quality of coffee coming out of the region.
Friday May 15th, we will be chatting with Demilson Batista, Jr. owner of Legender Especial. We plan on chatting about the coffee industry in Brazil, advancements in farm technology, sorting, and managing quality. But, these meetings are open, so feel free to join us and bring your own questions as well!
We will be continuing these meetings at least through the end of June! We hope to see you there!
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