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Royal NY is partnering with COOPAFSI to help support these female producers in coffee. The solution is fairly simple but costly. The solution is Drying Tents, or Solar dryers. To start, we are launching this program with the goal of providing a drying tent for 50 women from the “Las Damas de San Ignacio” group. Each tent will cost them about $290. All funds raised will go directly to the cooperative to launch this program in time for the 2020 harvest. In addition, these solar drying tents would allow these women to produce more coffee and sell it at a higher premium which can contribute to other projects they are working on such as communal kitchens and better access to healthcare.
COOPAFSI (Cooperative Agrario “Frontera San Ignacio” Ltda) was officially established in June 1969. They are located in San Ignacio, Cajamara which is at the most Northern point of Peru. They provide Organic, Fair Trade, and Rainforest certified coffees such as “Las Damas de San Ignacio,” along with micro lots and lots from different families through San Ignacio.
One of their main focuses is gender equality. The “Las Damas de San Ignacio” group started in 2016 and consists of about 90-100 women within the cooperative. These women created their own committee of female producers in order to distribute loans and manage new projects (such as community kitchens, computer labs, education and health). These women also have a sewing/knitting club in order to create articles of clothing, blankets and much more to provide an additional form of income.
You can donate to support these female producers or learn more about this fundraiser by following this link.
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