
April 8, 2020

COVID-19 Resources

Royal NY Traders
Royal NY Traders
Trader Group

Is anyone else getting bombarded with emails about what to do in terms of your business, your safety and just about everything else Covid-19? Well, we certainly are. To make life a bit easier during these trying times, we have vetted and organized some of the Covid-19 resources for coffee businesses, dealing with the effects of the pandemic. This is a ‘living post’ and will be updated periodically.

Health & Safety Resources:

World Health Organization: This site has the most validated and up-to-date information surrounding the COVID-19

CDC: Interim Guidance for Businesses & Employers: A useful website for best practices in terms of safety during this pandemic for businesses.

OSHA Guide on preparing workplaces for Covid-19: Updates on the nature of the COVID-19 virus as well as work guidelines and best practices.

Serious Eat’s Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide: This article is updated regularly and contains ‘user-friendly information surrounding the spread of the virus and food.

Coffee Business Specific Resources

SCA Powerpoint from The Webinar on COVID-19 Community Impact Survey Results: Useful resource for seeing the statistics surrounding the effect of the pandemic on Specialty Coffee related businesses.

Roaster’s Guild Article – Adapting Your Business Model Around COVID-19 Restrictions: A basic how to guide or map for businesses to adjust to current circumstances.

7 tips for pickup-only service: A very basic guide on the how to’s of online ordering and curbside pickup service for coffee businesses specifically.

Linkdin article: Consumers remain confused, crave confidence and don’t yet think they are at risk – The Heart of the Matter: A helpful article giving insight on the consumer’s experience and trends during COVID-19 Pandemic

Financial Support Related Resources

US Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship: The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act: This PDF, is a comprehensive guide to government programs that will support small businesses during this time.

Shopify’s Guide to Government Relief Programs for Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19: This article has surprisingly a lot of good resources, no matter where in the world you are.

Tax Foundation – Understanding the Paycheck Protection Program in the CARES Act: This article gives a clear breakdown for PPP.

 Summary of the payroll assistance programs in the coronavirus aid, relief, and economic security act (CARES ACT): Another clear breakdown for CARES ACT

RNY Lab Community Meeting Powerpoints

4/6 – Managing Curbside Pick Up & Deliveries

4/7 – Memorable Customer Service Moments

4/8 – CARES Act & Small Business Loans

4/9 – Creating & Defining a New Sense of Normalcy & Ritual

4/13 – Finding New Outlets For Your Coffee

4/14 – Making Your Website Awesome!

4/15 – Staffing Solutions

Other Resources

SCA Website COVID-19 page: The SCA has been surveying the industry, hosting webinars, creating an online database for resources, and writing a bunch of helpful articles.

Have you found a useful resources? If so, then submit your resource here. Thank You!

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