Looks like you're located outside the continental United States!
While we can't ship Royal NY Line Up boxes to you through our website, our team of coffee traders will be happy to help place your order and secure the best shipping rates for you.
Give us a call or send us an email to finalize your purchase from the Royal NY Line Up!
Please note that if you have other items in your cart such as tea or tickets to an event at The lab, you will not be able to proceed to payment until all 22lb. boxes have been removed from your order
Looks like you're located outside the continental United States!
While we can't ship Royal NY Line Up boxes to you through our website, your coffee trader will be happy to help place your order and secure the best shipping rates for you.
Give your trader a call or send them an email to finalize your purchase from the Royal NY Line Up!
Royal New York is your source for all things green coffee. Looking for guidance on how to achieve that perfect brew? Check out our Hario V60 Brew Guide, part of our Brewing 101 series below!
Gooseneck Kettle, Hario V60 and Filters, Scale, 25g Coffee, 375g Filtered Water at 205F, 50g Hot Rinse Water
First, fold filter along the bound edge and place in the cone. Then pour 50g of Hot water to rinse the filter and preheat the brewing system. Discard water from the server.
Grind coffee to a medium-fine setting, about the consistency of sand. Add coffee grounds to the cone and gently level the brewbed using a side-to-side motion.
Start your timer and pour 50g of water over the dry grounds in a spiral motion. Be sure to saturate all grounds evenly. Wait for the coffee to Bloom for 00:15-00:45, until the coffee stops bubbling and expanding.
Add 200g of water over the next minute using slow circular motions paying close attention to pour over the entire bed evenly, but not over the paper filter. The water should fall straight down from the tip of the gooseneck. Let drain for 00:30 before adding the remaining water so that all of the water is added by 02:30.
When the brew slows to small drips, remove the cone and discard the spent grounds. Ideally, this will be 3:00-4:00.
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