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While we can't ship Royal NY Line Up boxes to you through our website, our team of coffee traders will be happy to help place your order and secure the best shipping rates for you.
Give us a call or send us an email to finalize your purchase from the Royal NY Line Up!
Please note that if you have other items in your cart such as tea or tickets to an event at The lab, you will not be able to proceed to payment until all 22lb. boxes have been removed from your order
Looks like you're located outside the continental United States!
While we can't ship Royal NY Line Up boxes to you through our website, your coffee trader will be happy to help place your order and secure the best shipping rates for you.
Give your trader a call or send them an email to finalize your purchase from the Royal NY Line Up!
Sourced From
900 to 1000 meters
Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Gesha
Fully Washed ,Patio Drying
February - March
71 Boxes Avaliable
18 Boxes Avaliable
Nayarit is a state on the northeast side of Mexico, with over 100 small farmers and an average farm size of 4 hectares, under the shade of trees, and using natural--not chemical pesticides—which protects the natural environment. Nayarit doesn’t produce much volume, like Veracruz and Chiapas, but the coffees from this region have a more complex profile than the neighboring bigger states. For many years, coffees from Nayarit were blended with Veracruz coffees, and the traceability and profile of the region got lost. San Basilio is a brand we created with local farmers to present this exceptional coffee, recognizing the hard work and complex coffee that the region can offer.
Instore, NJ
105 Bags Available
Instore, NJ
63 Bags Available
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